Story Works Alaska Spooky Fundraiser

Come one come all to this super spooky event and help Story Works Alaska raise $50,000 by October 31st to support youth storytelling in Alaska!

Stop at our indoor and outdoor booths to hear stories, drink some coffee, and trick or treat. Can’t wait to see you there!

Thinking about helping us get to $50,000? Click here to make a gift.

Participate online! Click on a photo below to listen to a story and send a thank you note to the storyteller using this form.

Want to participate online? Check back here on October 20th to listen to some fun stories and send thank you notes to the youth who told them.


Before using the online registration system confirm that your application has been approved and make sure you can attend (or have attended) an orientation session prior to your volunteer date. We will have to decline any unapproved registrations. Thanks for your understanding!

It's cool, I've been approved! (if I haven't, I'm just looking.)

Oops, I need to fill out a volunteer application...